Parish Directory
Acolytes / Eucharistic Ministers
Fr Duane Fernandez
Phone: 0414 626 357
The parish acolytes assist at Mass on Sundays and feast days.
Aged Care Ministry
Sr Kerry Gardiner
0421 463 871
Eucharistic Ministers assist with monthly Mass and weekly communion, rosary and visitation to all aged care facilities within the parish.
Altar Society
The altar society is responsible for washing and maintaining the altar cloths and various linens for use at Mass.

Sr Kerry Gardiner
Phone: 0421 463 871
Currently our parish catechists attend Unanderra, Figtree, Mount Kembla and Farmborough Road Public Schools.
Catholic Women's League
Barbara Farraway
Phone: 0419 989 608
The CWL meets in the St Joseph’s Room on the second Thursday of each month at 10.30am. The ladies are involved in a variety of interests and activities within the parish and beyond. New members are always welcome!
Children's Liturgy
Sr Kerry Gardiner
Phone: 0421 463 871
Children's liturgy is held at the 8am Mass on Sundays (not held during school holidays).
Church Cleaning
Barbara Farraway
Phone: 0419 989 608
Groups of parishioners help to clean the church after 7.30am Mass every Saturday morning. More helpers are always welcome!
Church Gardeners
Barbara Farraway
Phone: 0419 989 608
A very small number of parishioners are involved in maintaining the gardens around the church, presbytery and convent. More helpers are always welcome!

"We didn't think you'd mind, Father."
Church Lawn Mowing
Barbara Farraway
Phone: 0419 989 608
A group of parishioners help keep the church, presbytery and convent lawns presentable with lawn mowing on Saturday mornings.
Finance Council
Fr Duane Fernandez
Phone: 0414 626 357
The council meets at least four times a year and assists with the parish's financial arrangements.

"I'm not going to bore you with small talk about our financial situation."
Barbara Farraway
Phone: 0419 989 608
Lectors (readers) proclaim the scriptures at all Masses including feast days. New lectors are always welcome!
Lenten & Advent Groups
Lenten discussion groups meet during Lent; and Advent discussion groups meet during Advent. Information is provided in the parish bulletin when these groups are being formed.
Parish Choir
Organist/Choir Director:
Trudy Zalewski
Phone: 4271 4134
The choir sings at 8am Mass on Sundays and on other special occasions. New members are always welcome!
Sacramental Programmes
Sr Kerry Gardiner
Phone: 0421 463 871
The sacramental programmes for Reconciliation, Holy Communion and Confirmation are both parish-based and family-centred.
St Pius X School
Mrs Pauline Chrostowski
Phone: 4271 3550
Fax: 4272 2954
Street Address: cnr Cummins & Hargreaves Streets Unanderra 2526
Postal Address: PO Box 358 Unanderra 2526
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
St Pius X is a K-6 Catholic primary school located in Unanderra, which was established in 1960.
St Vincent de Paul Society
Bob Lloyd
Phone: 0428 379 126
The Unanderra Conference of the SVDP society meets in the St Joseph’s Room located at the rear of the Immaculate Conception Church every Tuesday evening at 7.30pm. The primary role of the society is the care of the poor and needy in society. New members are always welcome!
Website Management
Matthew Hobbs - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Weekend Refreshments
(Refer to Catholic Women's League section above)
Refreshments are available after the 8am Mass on the first Sunday of each month. This is currently the responsibility of the Catholic Women’s League, however any parishioners who are not members of the CWL but would still like to be involved in this ministry of hospitality can contact the CWL for inclusion on the roster.